Dienstag, 8. März 2005

Die Nigerianer geben nicht auf

Mein zweiter Roman mit dem Titel 419 (hoffentlich bald im Buchhandel erhältlich) handelt von den Betrügereien der nigerianischen Mafia. In letzter Zeit kommen sie wieder vermehrt, die E-Mails und Briefe mit der Bitte doch bei einem nicht ganz so legalen Geldtransfer behilflich zu sein und dafür eine nicht unerhebliche Provision zu kassieren. So wie dieses von Dr. Anthony Ayomide:

X-Apparently-To: marcusstarck@yahoo.de via; Thu, 07 Mar 2005 06:17:46 -0800
From: "Anthony Ayomide" ‹anthony_ayomide1@yahoo.com›
To: ‹marcusstarck@yahoo.de›
Subject: Investment Assitance
Sender: "Anthony Ayomide" anthony_ayomide1@yahoo.com


I write to inform of my desire to acquire estates or landed properties in your country on behalf of the Director of Contract and Finance Allocations of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing in Nigeria.

Considering his very strategic and influential position, he wants the Transaction to be strictly confidential as possible. He further wants His identity to remain undisclosed at least for now, until the Completion of this transaction. Hence our desire to have an overseas agent.

I have therefore been directed to inquire if you would agree to act as Our overseas agent in order to actualize this transaction.

The deal in brief, is that the funds with which we intend to carry out Our proposed investments in your country is presently in a coded Account at the Nigeria Apex bank (Central Bank of Nigeria) and we need your Assistance to transfer the funds to your country in a convenient bank Account that will be provided by you, before we can put the funds into use in your country.

For this, you shall be considered to have executed a contract for the Federal ministry of Works and Housing in Nigeria for which payment should be effected to you, by Ministry, The contract sum of which shall run into US$38.5Million (Thirty Eight Million, Five Hundred Dollars) of which your share shall be 20% if you agree to be our overseas agent.

As soon as payment is effected, and the amount mentioned above is Successfully transferred into your account, we intend to use our own share In acquiring some estates and setting up trust accounts abroad. For this Too you shall also serve as our agent.

In the light of this, I would like you to forward to me the following Information:

1. Your company name and address if any.
2. Your personal fax number.
3. Your personal telephone number for easy communication.

You are requested to communicate your acceptance of this proposal Urgently after which we shall discuss In details the modalities for seeing this transaction through.

Your quick response will be highly appreciated.

Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation. You may send your response to anthony_ayomide@yahoo.co.uk

Yours faithfully,

Dr Anthony Ayomide

Die Masche funktioniert immer noch. Wie die Nigerianer genau vorgehen wird im Detail in 419 beschrieben.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Ich finde das Nigeria-Thema auch superspannend. Habe selber diverse Mails der Herren erhalten. Habe einmal aus Spaß zurückgeschrieben, wie das weitere Prozedere ablaufen solle. Da wollten sie gleich meine Bankverbindung, um mir was zu überweisen. :-) Habe den Kontakt dann abreißen lassen. Erschreckend ist, wieviele noch immer auf sowas reinfallen. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass bei vielen Menschen das Gehirn vollkommen aussetzt, wenn jemand vorgibt, ihnen Geld zu schenken. Dann blinken die $-Zeichen in den Augen.

LG Michael